Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Controlling Process

Question: Explainnature of Controlling Process. Answer: I have picked Operations the executives course; it is a colossal control that empowers administrators settle on significant key choices. Tasks the board envelops different fields of administrative exercises that basically identify with creation exercises of an association. A necessary piece of activities the board is controlling procedure, which is of gigantic enthusiasm to me. The point incorporates different estimates that are embraced by organizations so as to manage and control their gauges in items and administrations. Each association needs to apply a quality control check in the items or administrations that it conveys to the market. My point relates to comprehension and applying different controlling procedure on a business exercises. Associations basically screen procedures, yield and condition to the ideal levels, so as to assess that the technique has been ideal in accomplishing objectives. The procedure incorporates utilization of different factual and diagnostic measures so as to analyze exhibitions, which will be my territory of learning in the course. Associations fix a guidelines in every single procedure, quality and levels of yield. My territory of learning in Controlling Process will be essentially significant as each association utilizes a few or the other type of Controlling Process so as to improve and hold fast to quality standards and measures. Quality has become a significant boundary in conveying an incentive to clients and Controlling Process empowers to apply the procedure in reasonableness. The field and nature of study that I will be educated in class in Controlling Process will transcendently be speculations and factual measures for estimation. The different educators who will encourage the course will give Case Study models, presents and the library contains tremendous measure of books, diaries, organization magazines in regards to Controlling Process, which will help in improving information. Through my reasonable experience I w ill apply the hypothetical information that I gain from the course. Applying Controlling Process to proficient practice Controlling procedures has tremendous application in proficient field, and I mean to turn into a Controlling Process chief post culmination of my course. In my future expert job I can take up obligations in examination of wanted quality against set benchmarks, which is a significant territory of Controlling Process. Controlling procedure is applied in association with the end goal that adaptation to generally speaking quality and other ISO standards as set somewhere near quality norms sheets can be met. Any error in standard against yield prompts dismissal in Controlling Process and I will take care in applying such gauges in my expert field. Controlling procedure are a basic piece of an association as partners assess the itemized covers the controlling procedure applied by associations. I will become familiar with the different controlling procedure as applied organizations, particularly from my ranking directors and associates who featured the principle regions of controlling proce dure that associations apply. I have to get the hang of benchmarking, adjusted scorecards and ISO standards. I additionally need to comprehend and ready to plan adjusted scorecards for companys procedures with the end goal that they could fit in with the ISO standards. I have to increase proficient involvement with fields of Benchmarking and become familiar with the ways and strategies that associations embrace for creating reasonable benchmarks. I have to likewise figure out how control outlines are made utilizing measurable information and procedures, in the Controlling Process division of the association. Self-reflection practice to administrative workThe gaining from the course in Operations Management just as from proficient experience will be tremendous and there will be move of information and aptitudes. Getting the hang of Controlling Process has gigantic materialness in proficient field and on the off chance that I am ready to apply the procedure accurately, at that point c an become Controlling Process Manager inside a brief span. The different Controlling Process should be learnt as it is significant in releasing administrative jobs and obligations. Supervisors in associations need to have sufficient comprehension viewing different Controlling Process as it keeps up item and administration quality. Associations apply Controlling Process and every single level to such an extent that they can fit in with ISO standards. ISO standards have become a necessary piece of consistence for associations. In my course I have to learn in subtleties the different ISO standards that can be applied for essential Controlling Process in the association. The course content that I will embrace will be exceptionally valuable in causing me to comprehend and feature the different aspects of Controlling Process. My gaining from the course will assist me with building up my vocation in this field in an administrative job and endeavor further. I will procure top to bottom comp rehension and information on the different procedures that are utilized in Controlling Process, which will go about as an extra preferred position in my expert life.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

An Australian Luxury Fashion Accessories Company Essay

An Australian Luxury Fashion Accessories Company - Essay Example The paper An Australian Luxury Fashion Accessories Company discusses Australian Fashion Accessories Company. The report begins by delineating the authentic foundation of the organization which will be trailed by an examination of the company’s small scale and full scale situations in a piece to build up how much these affect the tasks of the association. The fundamental body of the report will concentrate on a basic examination of the promoting technique utilized especially the present showcasing blend so as to assess the viability of this system. The last piece of the report will take a gander at the proposals area where recommendations are provided so as to improve the advertising offering of the picked item or brand. â€Å"OrotonGroup Limited is a retailer, distributer and brand chief working in Australia and the key exercises of the Company incorporate retailing and wholesaling of cowhide products, style attire and related frill under the OROTON and POLO RALPH LAUREN name s, and authorizing of the OROTON brand name.† Details about the authentic foundation of the organization can be seen from its official site. This association is entirely claimed auxiliary that incorporates OrotonGroup (Australia) Pty Limited, Polo Ralph Lauren Australia Pty Limited, OrotonGroup (New Zealand) Pty Limited, Macbray Pty Ltd, Marcs Wholesale Pty Ltd and Oroton Share Plan Company Pty Limited. The organization works around 60 retail locations and is recorded on the Australian stock trade. Basic examination of Oroton’s Micro Environment According to Kotler and Armstrong (2004), the smaller scale condition is involved entertainers near the organization, for example, providers, showcasing middle people also contenders while the full scale condition comprises of segment, financial, mechanical just as social variables. The principal segment of this examination of the microenvironment is for the most part going to take a gander at the company’s serious condit ion, its financials just as the structure of the business. As per Ibisworld (2010), the significant rivals in the extravagance brands industry incorporate Luis Vuitton Australia Pty Ltd and Proud Jewelers Pty Ltd. Rivalry in the market is consistently a danger to different entertainers working in the business given that they will vie for piece of the overall industry. Oroton doesn't work in a vacuum since it very well may be seen that the extravagance brands industry is somewhat not the same as other ordinary enterprises. The company’s financials show an upward pattern since 2007 as per Au Stocks (2011). This can be credited to the administration methodology that was embraced after the organization had seen a decrease in the income created inferable from decrease in business. This is a significant quality for the organization. The organization left on a drive to reduce expenses through laying a portion of the laborers while simultaneously offering moderate extravagance brands . Another significant factor about Oroton’s small scale condition is that its structure is a common physical model. This model for the most part depends on connecting the association straightforwardly to the clients through close to home collaboration however it very well may be noticed that the association has likewise embraced web based business in its promoting procedure. Notwithstanding, a basic examination of the components describing the miniaturized scale monetary condition of this association shows that the organization is better situated to work feasibly in the market given that these variables don't present genuine difficulties to it. The other favorable position of this

Friday, August 21, 2020

DDoS Attack

A disseminated refusal of-administration (DDoS) assault is one in which a huge number of traded off frameworks assault a solitary objective, along these lines causing disavowal of administration for clients of the focused on framework. The surge of approaching messages to the objective framework basically compels it to close down, accordingly refusing assistance to the framework to real clients. In a run of the mill DDoS assault, the aggressor starts by abusing a defenselessness in one PC framework and making it the DDoS ace. The assault ace, otherwise called the botmaster, recognizes and distinguishes and taints other powerless frameworks with alware.Eventually, the aggressor Instructs the controlled machines to dispatch an assault against a predefined target. There are two kinds of DDoS assaults: a system driven assault which over-burdens an assistance by spending transmission capacity and an application-layer assault which over-burdens a help or database with application calls. Th e Inundation of bundles to the objective causes a forswearing of administration. While the media will in general spotlight on the objective of a DDoS assault as the vlctlm, as a general rule there are numerous vlctlms In a DDoS assault the last arget and also the frameworks constrained by the intruder.Although the proprietors of co-picked PCs are commonly ignorant that their PCs have been undermined, they are in any case liable to endure a debasement of administration and not function admirably. A PC heavily influenced by a gatecrasher is known as a zombie or bot. A gathering of co-picked PCs is known as a botnet or a zombie armed force. Both Kaspersky Labs and Symantec have distinguished botnets not spam, infections, or worms as the greatest risk to Internet security

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Corrie Ten Boom and Forgiveness - Free Essay Example

Corrie ten Boom is someone who used her faith to do extraordinary things for others. I found her to be a very admirable person through her numerous courageous acts. Throughout World War II, Corrie ten Boom did what many others were not brave enough or willing to do and sacrificed her own safety in order to help others around her. She changed many lives forever and her selfless acts should not be forgotten. I admire Corrie ten Boom for her courage and commitment to serving others through her faith during difficult times. Corrie ten Boom used her faith as motivation to help others in need. Boom had what seemed like a normal, quiet life in her early years. She grew up in a Christian family and lived in the Netherlands throughout her life (Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior, n.d.). Boom was born into a family of Dutch watchmakers and she also became a watchmaker later in her life (Corrie ten Boom, 2015). Along with her family, Boom was able to live a very comfortable and stable life in the Netherlands, yet she continued to strive for more by helping others. Boom and her family were encouraged by their faith to provide food, money, and sometimes even shelter to those in need (Corrie ten Boom, 2015). Boom was not required to assist those around her, but she felt compelled by her faith to do so. A very important aspect of Booms background is that she lived through World War II and witnessed the Nazis terrible treatment of the Jews (Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior, n.d.). While others were fleeing and many were too frightened to resist the Nazi regime, Boom and her family did something truly amazing. When the Nazis began to raid the Netherlands, Boom decided that she could not watch what was going on around her and do nothing. She used her familys home as refuge for Jews who were being hunted by Nazis and allowed them to hide in a closet for shelter (Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior, n.d.). Unfortunately, Boom was found out by the Nazis and taken to a concentration camp with her family where they later died before Boom was released for unknown reasons (Corrie ten Boom, 2015). Corrie ten Boom lived through a very important time in history and she was brave enough to save numerous lives while risking her own safety. Corrie ten Booms faith inspired her to perform many brave and selfless acts throughout her life. Boom had to make a significant choice while the Jews were being persecuted in the Netherlands and as a Christian, Boom felt compelled to be more than just a bystander. Selflessness is a crucial component of being a Christian and it is taught to be as selfless as God was when he gave up his only son. In the Bible, John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (New King James Version). Boom displayed this same selflessness when she decided to help the Jews who were being persecuted around her. Her Christian faith not only encouraged her to help those around her, but it also taught her the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness is also a key concept that is taught in Christianity. The Bible encourages Christians to forgive others who have wronged them; For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you (Matthew 6:14-15 New King James Version). Years after World War II ended, this verse played a crucial part in Booms life. As she traveled around Germany and taught others about Christianity, she came face to face with a man who she remembered to be one of the most ruthless guards in the concentration camp she and her family were placed in (Forgiveness†Corrie Meets Guard). It was at this time that as a Christian, Boom had a very difficult decision to make. As the guard asked Boom for her forgiveness, images of her sisters death flashed in her mind and she struggled with what to do (Forgiveness†Corrie Meets Guard). While it would have been much easier to continue blaming the guard for what happened to her sister, Boom knew that she must forgive him as she was taught in Matthew 6:14-15 (Forgiveness†Corrie Meets Guard). Through her faith, Boom learned how to be like Jesus and forgive those who hurt her, even when they did not deserve it. Corrie ten Boom displayed a great deal of courage and love throughout her life. I admire what she decided to do for the Jews around her because she could have sat by and watched out of fear, like many others did during World War II. Instead, Boom used her faith as her motivation to perform selfless acts, such as opening her home to the Jews. By sacrificing she and her familys safety, she was able to change the lives of numerous people by saving them. This would be a difficult decision for anyone to make and Boom was very brave for doing this. She also displayed an immense strength when she forgave the guard that was present at her concentration camp. For many, it would have been much easier to dismiss him and continue holding a grudge. But because of her faith, Boom was able to grant him the forgiveness that he requested. After the war was over, she continued to help others as she traveled and taught about Christianity. I believe Boom displayed a great example of what it means to be a Christian and she showed others how to make a difference in the lives of those around them. Boom led by example of her faith and by doing this, she made a monumental impact on the world around her. Corrie ten Boom was an inspiratio n for others during World War II. She sacrificed her own freedom in an effort to save others who were being persecuted by the Nazis. She also had to find it in herself to forgive someone who did not necessarily deserve her forgiveness. She performed these courageous acts all while staying true to herself and her faith. Boom made an enormous impact on those around her and those she shared her faith with. Boom turned to her Christian faith during difficult times and this allowed her to save the lives of others and find it in her heart to forgive a Nazi guard. References Corrie ten Boom. (2015, April 08). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch savior. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from ForgivenessCorrie Meets Guard. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pass The Pie, A Rhetorical Analysis - 911 Words

Pass the Pie, a Rhetorical Analysis In the publication â€Å"The Track Star Economy† known journalist and author for The New Yorker James Surowiecki conveys many things. The basic analogy we are given starts off involving the 2012 Olympics. He starts off by comparing the foreign athletes that come to train over here in the US, only to bring the knowledge and skills they have learned back to other countries. Yet why is this? If America is the land of opportunity why are these immigrants not staying and building lives here in America? The answer is actually quite simple, it’s because most of them are stuck in â€Å"immigration limbo† as Surowiecki so carefully puts it. These people are simply not tended to fast enough, therefore they go somewhere else where they can establish themselves and make a life with the education they have earned here in America. This is hurting our country. Surowiecki implements many techniques throughout his article on this i nterestingly dense topic. His main technique would have to be relying on statistics or logos to convince the reader of his bias. He argues that immigrant employment visas are being capped at much too small of a number, so they migrate to other countries where they are able to establish themselves faster. This is hurting our economy especially after the recession in 2009. Unemployment in America isn’t as high as it was a few years back but there are still plenty of Americans looking for employment, these citizens are angeredShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis : The Audi Advertisement1903 Words   |  8 Pagesconsumers. Commercials that are shown on television today are great examples of rhetorical artifacts because of the many techniques being exercised by the rhetor. Analyzing this through the lens of rhetorical analysis we can dissect and find out why and how they used certain rhetorical strategies to display to their consumers. For my analysis of the Audi advertisement, I will be using fantasy theme analysis. Fantasy theme analysis as explained by Virginia Kidd at Sacramento State University â€Å"helps you unearthRead MoreThe Role of Advertising in Marketing Communications9872 Words   |  40 Pageson-going sales promotion strategy made the customers perceive it to be a cheap and an inferior product. 3. Merchandising support from dealers is doubtful: In many cases, the dealers do not cooperate in providing the merchandising support nor do they pass on any benefit to consumers. The retailer might not be willing to give support because he does not have the place, or the product does not sell much in his shop, or may be he thinks the effort required is more than the commission/benefit derived. Read MoreInstructive Text Types11631 Words   |  47 PagesEnglish. This author points out that rhetorical modes are not linguistic types in that they produce inconsistent definitions of texts and allow great linguistic variation within types. 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Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I.t. doctors database analysis Essay Example For Students

I.t. doctors database analysis Essay There are some parts of a Doctor’s Surgery that could benefit from computerisation. As time goes on technology will aid most types of work, for instance office work (Department of Trade and Industry, for example). Technology could be used in a Doctor’s surgery to computerise the patients’ files, to print out prescriptions and certificates for things like immunisations. The patients’ file would consist of their name address, telephone number, D.O.B, sex, allergies, and diseases. In addition, it will be faster for the doctor to access his or her files because they are all just a few clicks of a mouse button away instead of loads of paper-based files in a big fat cabinet away. If you were to misplace a file in your office, it would probably be hard to find it, whereas if you lost a file on a computer you could use the find utility in Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or 2000 (by pressing the button and F at the same time) and the file would be found in a few seconds. On a computer you could automatically put the files in alphabetical order by whatever- name, GP, date of birth e.t.c. However, in an office cabinet it really would not be easy at all to put and keep the files in some sort of alphabetical sequence. Currently the database is pen-and-paper based, which may be cost effective but is very time-consuming when compared to a computer-based database. Say you have a paper-based database. If one of your clients move house or get married, you would have to create a whole new record because of the altered information. And say it was a family who moved residence, and then after you made the new records the parents got married. It would cause a lot of hassle and waste a lot of time, wouldn’t it? The doctor would get annoyed searching for people’s files and they would take longer to get through things, which means less appointments every day. The dilemma is that I need to make a database to answer all these problems. I will make a database for a doctor’s surgery so the doctors can look up and alter the files of their patients with just the click of a button. The database will be able to find their medical record (allergies, etc.), their home address, their home phone number, their allergies (if any), and their diseases (if any). The potential users of this database are doctors, stand in doctors, receptionists, physiotherapists and nurses. Doctors are potential users because they are the people treating their patients so they will need to be constantly checking their patients’ files. That also applies for the nurses, physiotherapists and receptionists. Receptionists are potential users because they are the people who book the appointments and edit files for things like addresses or names. Also, I will need to make a brochure for my company for it to be a form of advertising. In addition to that, I will make a slide show advertisement that customers could watch when in the surgery. This could be used to let them know the full capabilities of the surgery; it could also help the customers tell their friends about the surgery in case their friends are looking for something that they cannot find in other surgeries. I asked my GP (General Practitioner) these questions:1. Would you prefer a paper-based record of everything or a computer-based record of everything?2. Why?3. Which system are you currently using?4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this system?5. Did you ever use the other system?6. Why did you change?He replied:1. I would prefer a computer-based record of everything. .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 , .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .postImageUrl , .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 , .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:hover , .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:visited , .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:active { border:0!important; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:active , .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18 .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5c8e936029bd136cc90b58bbba46ae18:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Human Cloning Isn't as Scary as It Sounds Essay2. Why? Because it means easier access, more space in my room, lees time-consuming, and I can print out prescriptions instead of hand-writing them, and I don’t have re-record things when I have to edit something. 3. Currently I am thankfully using a computer for my records and prescriptions. 4. The advantages are that it is quick, that the files can be edited, added and erased easily, etc. The disadvantages are that data can be lost permanently; the computer can crash because of bugs. 5. I used the other system years ago. 6. I changed because compared to the system I am using now it was very frustrating and time-consuming. In my database I will construct a spreadsheet for customer details, employee details, for the supplier’s details and appointment details. From these spreadsheets I will generate a form for each so the receptionist/Doctor can simply fill out the form instead of having to keep checking what column he/she is writing on in a spreadsheet. It is also easier to write in forms rather than spreadsheets because you can merely press the tab button to move down to the next data insertion/edit field. I will mail merge the spreadsheets for customer details, employee details and prescription supplier’s details. I will need a computer, preferably with Microsoft Access included, and one or more floppy discs to transfer my work from one computer to another. I will make a logo to represent my company in the advertising area of things, and I will make a slide show for my company, also for advertising purposes. You could make certain databases available to certain people only, for instance the appointment data available only to the receptionist, the patient’s data available only to the This Database would only be available to the Doctor, and you could certify this by these security procedures:? Encryption? Password at login screen? Password at bootup screen? Files kept on LaptopProblems with the current system? It is written on paper? The doctor would have to re-print the patient’s file if something had to be altered, e.g. vaccinations, change of telephone number, moving house. ? You have to sift through loads of files to find a specific patients file? The only way they are secure from prying eyes is to lock them in a cupboardObjectives of the new system? Faster access to files? Easier alteration of files? Confidentiality? To be less space- consumingLimitations? If I were to create a new program to do this task from scratch, I would have to learn C++ so I could do it? I can only use the programs that I have access to: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Works, and Delphi 3. ? Time You never have enough time. The limitations of the potential users will be minimised by the production of a simple user guide written in plain English. The limitations imposed by the resources available are: ? I can only use a program that I and they have constant access to? I and they must know how to use the program to good effectSo, the key objectives are to make a logo, id badge, business card and a doctors’ database for a surgery. There are no data sources needed for this task; all the names have been devised by myself to use in the database. All the addresses are bogus as well.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Organized Crime Has For Nearly One Hundred Years Held An Unseen Contro

Organized Crime has for nearly one hundred years held an unseen control over the United States. Running both illegal and legal businesses they have captivated the lives of the country. Here is an overview of the history of this power that knows everything and everyone that has power or wishes to rise to power. The beginning of organized crime goes back to the 13th century. The Mafia was formed in Sicily to help farmers from being terrorized by French and Spanish looters (Waller, p.16). It was not until the 19th century that the Mafia began to show up in cities like New York and New Orleans. By World War I, every major city had powerful local gangs, not necessarily a Mafia group. The Mafia's discipline held all of the gangs together. The Mafia had only two major objections dealing with crime. There was to be no drug dealers in the Mafia and prostitiution was not allowed. The cheif weapons of the Mafia were death threats and the code of omerta'(the code of silence). When omerta' was broken, the police cleaned up the mess while the rival gang took over. Prohibition brought the birth of organized crime to the United States. Prohibition was ratified on January 29, 1919 but didn't take hold until 1920 (Compton's,p.1). Prohibition, which was the 18th Amendment of the Constitution, made it illegal to buy, sell, or transport alcoholic beverages. It also opened a new market for illegal booze to those who would risk it. Prohibition also proved to be filled with murder and corruption. Men like Lucky Luciano, Dutch Schultz, Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, and Vito Genovese got started during this time. Prohibition began with the sale of foreign booze that was smuggled into the country. After several raids and many thousands of dollars lost, the mob turned to more producing of their own illegal alcohol. Bootlegged whiskey was known as "white lightning" (Waller,p.29). Illegal alcohol was sold two ways: you could put it in bottles or it was sent to the taverns in tin cans. The highly violent city of Chicago had been divided up into five different turf areas for bootleggers. This agreement would have worked out except that one major bootlegger was excluded from the deal. The O' Donnell brothers had controlled the southern most area of Chicago but had not been allowed to join the meeting. This group of brothers eventually met their match after many years of war. The city of Chicago had been split up between six gangs. It was an agreement over areas of control. The noth side of Chicago was divided between Al Capone and Dion O'Banion. O'Banion was to control the beer while Capone controlled the hard liquor. This eventually led to the death of O'Banion. The south side of the city was ran by the Genna family. The west side was controlled by the Valley Gang while the southwest side was ran by the Saltis-McErlane Gang. To the far south side the Ragen's Colts controlled the bootlegging industry (Waller,p.31). During this time, a new weapon came into play. The Thompson submachine gun, also known as the tommy gun or chopper, became a major factor in criminal activity. This machine gun also became known as the Chicago violin because of its heavy use in the city. It was a sad day for several organized gangs when Prohibition was repealed. On December 5, 1933 the 21st Amendment was passed making it legal to buy, sell, and transport alcoholic beverages. The fourteen years of Prohibition had made the mob and Mafia grow powerful and rich. One of the most famous mobsters of all time was Al Capone. Born Alphonse Capone in Brooklyn, New York, he was the son of immigrants from Naples, Italy (Waller, p.27). Although Capone was of Italian descent, he was never a member of the Mafia. As a teenager Al Capone was involved with crime. His first crime job was as a bouncer in a mob bar called Harvard Inn (Waller, p.27). In 1918, Capone married a woman of Irish background. Then in the early part of 1919, Al Capone moved to Chicago with John Torrio to work for Torrio's uncle. Once Capone got his bootlegging business running he came in contact with his first